Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Why I'm Voting for Obama

First off let me start by saying I AM NOT a Democrat. No more than I am a Republican. Actually for the longest time I've been opposed to politics and voting for many personal reasons that I will not indulge in right now. This will actually be my first election that I've voted in and I wouldn't be surprised if it was my last. So I assume you are wondering why I'm even voting in this election at all. Here's why. 

Frankly put, I am disgusted with the arrogance & hatred that I see come from the republicans. I'm sure that would be refuted by those gung ho conservatives who actually inspired me to write this blog, but who cares. From calling Obama the welfare president to the plantation president, both which to me being a black man are VERY racist and degrading terms. 

I've spent YEARS around middle class, suburban white families as well as inner city poverty stricken minorities and one thing's for sure when people think of those "lazy ass" welfare recipients, a lot of that 47% that Romney spoke of, they picture black people (for the most part, anyway). Now don't get me twisted, I think that the conservative republicans are more concerned with the green then the color of your skin. Although racism is a REAL problem in America and the world abroad, the real battle is rich vs. poor. And that's apart of the arrogance I hate! 

Another thing that I've seen which infuriates me is the pharisee like dealings of the conservatives who would love for you to believe God is a Republican. HE's NOT!!! They act like they are God's chosen people & if you don't side with them you are an enemy of God. What's more troubling is how they try to use God & the Bible to justify their insensitivities, their atrocities, their indifference & apathy. They (christian conservatives) are quick to tell you to vote (republically) but won't stand up for the oppressed, won't speak out against racism, police brutality or their own sins towards others. 

They try to force their views on a country that doesn't feel or believe the same as them. What is this, Saudia Arabia? I thought God was concerned with hearts being changed. It is not their job to force women to not be able to get abortions. It's the woman's choice, and whatever her action she will suffer the consequences. Frankly put, the conservative "christians" are not voting based off "christian" values and/or the Bible. If so, how do you vote for one who is apart of what you strongly believe is a cult! By picking the lesser of two evils, right? If that was the case why not just not vote at all? Because at the end of the day they are Republicans, & that's all they care about. Regardless of if Obama was the better man or not, they would still vote Republican. It's not about God with them, that's just an excuse.

Many will say MLK Jr was a republican but according to what I've read on him he was neither. He voted for whoever he thought the better man was, whether Democrat or Republican. (Check his wikipedia for more info.)

These are only a few reasons of why I choose to take a stand with President Obama. I will stand with him against a common enemy. I am part of that 47% that Romney spoke about. That statement was a direct attack on me & my family. I am one who has been looked down upon because I'm a commoner. And although I know it's not much I could do, I will take a stand and do what little I can. 

That's why I'm voting for President Obama!  

Follow Radical Rationales @RadicalRationa1 
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1 comment:

  1. Don't stop searching. You're not there yet, for sure. Both parties are painfully flawed but you are only seeing one side. I can't understand that since you say you claim no favorites. I, on the other hand, am more conservative on most issues but I see things in such a different light. I see both parties as being virtually one. It's like two teams of scientists testing two different procedures on the same group of rats (us)in an attempt to achieve the same end result - a contest, if you will. There was a time when I could care less about who was president or who held any seat anywhere. Obama enters the ring and I become interested for the first time. I supported him. I do not support him now. I'm on food stamps and I exhausted my unemployment and I still will not support him now. His promises have not been kept and the media buries it. He has a questionable past and it has been buried. Laws have been passed that allow the suspension of our rights if the government sees fit. More laws threatening the same are coming (ie internet security, via Executive Order). Obama's design for our nation is not the same as the more ideal America that was envisioned. We the people were caught sleeping on the job and have been allowing OUR power to be drained quietly by those very people that we hired to work for us. Back to the topic, I am not impressed in the least with Obama's performance. In fact, I'm more afraid of him every extra day he has in office. Honestly, I feel my rights are threatened by his administration. I don't feel much better about Romney. However, no matter what you might think of his "wishy-washy" ways or what loopholes he probably did utilize on his tax returns, he is a businessman. And, if you think about it, America is one big business! I don't know who will be helped ultimately but I can say this. I watched Obama. I studied our circumstance as it unfolded throughout his current term. I don't like it. In a nutshell, the nation voted an unknown into office of president with nary a whim. We know quite a bit more about Romney (ie his successes as governor and business economist). I may be more wary than whimsical this time around but I believe it is time for another change. Oh, and I like the words, "shrink the government!"
