Tuesday, October 9, 2012

INJUSTICE needs to stop!!

This shit needs to stop! It isn't helping, only hurting helpless & innocent individuals! Help make this known by spreading this to as many people as you can!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

How Is That A Blessing?

How is that a Blessing
Our father's & brother's were murdered & sold.
Stripped away from their families
How is that blessing?
Our mother's & sister's were abused & raped
How is that a blessing?
Our psyche's were stripped away
How is that a blessing?
We were made to feel less than a man
Taught that we were inferior
How is that a blessing?
Things that were put in place to keep us in check
Has caused mental damage
Today we still feel the effects
How is that a blessing?
We were lynched & tarred

Emotionally, physically & mentally scarred
How is that a blessing?
We were branded & sold like cattle
Beat with whips like animals
How is that a blessing?
It's not
It was a curse.

*These are the raw emotions that arose inside of me upon reading this article: http://www.thedailydolt.com/2012/10/06/arkansas-republican-slavery-was-a-blessing-for-black-people/ *

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Dear Jon Hubbard

Jesus said to pray for your enemies
Love those who hate you
I'm sorry
But of those actions
I'm just not capable
Especially when the bigots & racists' 
Disrespect us in our faces
But they're christian
So that makes it ok for them to say it
You're an arrogant, ignorant, piece of shit
Who makes asinine statements
There can be no peace
Or forgiveness
When all you do is cause division
Portraying America as the greatest thing on earth
Are you kidding
Oh, I get it
Your one of the superior beings
You're a racist piece of shit that doesnt even deserve to be breathing. 

*These are the raw emotions that arose inside of me upon reading this article: 
http://www.thedailydolt.com/2012/10/06/arkansas-republican-slavery-was-a-blessing-for-black-people/ *

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Great Divide

The Great Divide
Which is nothing new as we look back into time
Where one's skin complexion decides
Which side of the line you can stand on
United we stand
Divided we fall
I often wonder have we ever stood at all
And if we have was it us standing tall
Heads held high
Or were our heads hung low
From the shame inside
Diversity's a gift
Its a blessing that our differences exist
But you cant keep making others feel like shit
Because of their attributes
And the fact that they are different from you.

It even plagues religions
I mean look at the christians
Jesus said inside him the dividing wall was torn down
But you still see black churches & white churches all throughout town
The whites are still republicans
The blacks are democrats
Quick to divide & slit each others throats
While using fear of God to try to manipulate the other side
What a joke.

Everything from India's caste systems
To viewing different people as inferior individuals
The Hitler complex
Race conquering conquest
Stems from the arrogance of our mindsets
Like our views are absolute
There is no other truth
But that just says to me that your a fool. 

Follow Radical Rationales @RadicalRationa1

The Church Has Failed

The church has failed
The world
Narrowly focused on hell
While overlooking the weak, hurting & frail
Is it that hard to tell
Are you blind
Can you not see the signs
The pain you've committed is not reflective of the divine.
More concerned with the politics of the time
Then compassion
What happened
Thats what im askin
The good youve done isnt even a fraction
Of the atrocities you've practiced.

Internal strife
External hatred
How you suppose to be united but clearly divided
Doesnt make sense
Arrogant & pious
Willing to fight for an unborn fetus
But wont take a stand for the ones who are mistreated
Clearly the latter arent less important than the previous.

You've inflicted so much pain pain pain
Supposedly in Jesus name
But really in the name of gain
Manipulation, fear and shame
Add a little guilt
This is how you get people to change
Funny thing
I never saw Jesus use those tactics
He wasnt into politricks although he instructed Peter to pay his taxes
Again I ask you
What happened?

True Religion is loving your neighbor as yourself
Visiting the orphans & widows
Giving them a hand of help
Serving the poor & marginalized
Not trying to get them to do what YOU think is right in YOUR eyes
Its giving to those who ask
Its not wearing a mask
Its not judging outsiders on their present or their past
Its not being apathetic or indifferent
Oh & I forgot to mention
God is not a christian.

God is love
The creator of the stars above
The giver & sustainer
Not some angry old man just giving us the finger.

Follow Radical Rationales @RadicalRationa1

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Love, My Dear

My Love, My Dear
Together we face life without fear
In pain when your absent
But comforted when your near
We hold hands
I whisper sweet nothings in your ear
And give you flowers of your favorite color
Have you smiling ear to ear.

You birthed to me beautiful kids
Your the definition of what beautiful is
All in your love
You are all of the above
I love you.

Follow Radical Rationales on Twitter @RadicalRationa1

Only Time Will Tell

Will we fail or prevail
Only time will tell
It flies with no wings but I wish it moved slower than a snail
We set sail on open seas
With dreams of being all that we can
But as far as we can see there is no land
We stand we fight
With every ounce of our life
And try to stay positive though its no food for tonight
But in spite of our woes
We try to keep our heads high even when our souls experience lows.

A new day brings new hope
New chances
Another day to cope
Hopefully the pain will fade
And I wont carry this load for the remainder of my days
Cuz if it stays
I might become crazed
But only time will tell. 

Follow Radical Rationales on twitter @RadicalRationa1

Ponder That

We're considered depraved, because we, rant & rave, about, unjust ways. 
This stuff is just, so unjust & we just, want equality, of the highest quality.
We live in a society, that praises notoriety, where boys dont grow into men, they, never been taught how to be.
And while not trying to cast blame, its a shame, but fathers have been stripped from their families since America came, into existence.
Now is not the time for indifference. 

Im not bringing up how blacks were tarred, raped or the lynchings. 
But the fact that the pyshcological effects from the past actions are still impacting, many Americans whose ancestors were African. 
Ponder that.

Follow Radical Rationales @RadicalRationa1

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Quiet Riots Do Exist

So they don't believe that quiet riots are real?
Maybe that's because they never cared about how we feel.
They just assume, but our lawns aren't perfectly groomed.
No sub divisions or 2 car garages.
We reside in, low income, HUD apartments.
Gentrification is what we're facin', pushed over to the margin.
Even those who are called to protect & serve abuse us, just look at the video I posted of the sergeant.
Caution! Because these feelings have been sittin' & boiling for some time now.
You can't understand what it's like on my side of town.
You would NEVER understand what it's like in the skin I'm in.
And we can NEVER reconcile if you only justify or conceal your sin.
Wrongs have been committed and we get it, it wasn't you that did it.
But you add insult to injury every time you try & twist it.
You open up old wounds with new knives.
I'm convinced, it's not inside you, that truth lies.
And I know it's 2 sides, to every coin.
But the fact that you would try n justify or rebuttal, instead of listening, trying to understand & take heed, just proves my point.
Quiet riots do exist.

Follow Radical Rationales @RadicalRationa1 

Police Officers Abuse of Power by EXCESSIVE Use of Force

Here is a clear example of a cop who abuses his power. With aggression like this I'm sure it's not his first use of "force"! Hopefully he will be held accountable for his actions.

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Why I'm Voting for Obama

First off let me start by saying I AM NOT a Democrat. No more than I am a Republican. Actually for the longest time I've been opposed to politics and voting for many personal reasons that I will not indulge in right now. This will actually be my first election that I've voted in and I wouldn't be surprised if it was my last. So I assume you are wondering why I'm even voting in this election at all. Here's why. 

Frankly put, I am disgusted with the arrogance & hatred that I see come from the republicans. I'm sure that would be refuted by those gung ho conservatives who actually inspired me to write this blog, but who cares. From calling Obama the welfare president to the plantation president, both which to me being a black man are VERY racist and degrading terms. 

I've spent YEARS around middle class, suburban white families as well as inner city poverty stricken minorities and one thing's for sure when people think of those "lazy ass" welfare recipients, a lot of that 47% that Romney spoke of, they picture black people (for the most part, anyway). Now don't get me twisted, I think that the conservative republicans are more concerned with the green then the color of your skin. Although racism is a REAL problem in America and the world abroad, the real battle is rich vs. poor. And that's apart of the arrogance I hate! 

Another thing that I've seen which infuriates me is the pharisee like dealings of the conservatives who would love for you to believe God is a Republican. HE's NOT!!! They act like they are God's chosen people & if you don't side with them you are an enemy of God. What's more troubling is how they try to use God & the Bible to justify their insensitivities, their atrocities, their indifference & apathy. They (christian conservatives) are quick to tell you to vote (republically) but won't stand up for the oppressed, won't speak out against racism, police brutality or their own sins towards others. 

They try to force their views on a country that doesn't feel or believe the same as them. What is this, Saudia Arabia? I thought God was concerned with hearts being changed. It is not their job to force women to not be able to get abortions. It's the woman's choice, and whatever her action she will suffer the consequences. Frankly put, the conservative "christians" are not voting based off "christian" values and/or the Bible. If so, how do you vote for one who is apart of what you strongly believe is a cult! By picking the lesser of two evils, right? If that was the case why not just not vote at all? Because at the end of the day they are Republicans, & that's all they care about. Regardless of if Obama was the better man or not, they would still vote Republican. It's not about God with them, that's just an excuse.

Many will say MLK Jr was a republican but according to what I've read on him he was neither. He voted for whoever he thought the better man was, whether Democrat or Republican. (Check his wikipedia for more info.)

These are only a few reasons of why I choose to take a stand with President Obama. I will stand with him against a common enemy. I am part of that 47% that Romney spoke about. That statement was a direct attack on me & my family. I am one who has been looked down upon because I'm a commoner. And although I know it's not much I could do, I will take a stand and do what little I can. 

That's why I'm voting for President Obama!  

Follow Radical Rationales @RadicalRationa1 
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