Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Quiet Riots Do Exist

So they don't believe that quiet riots are real?
Maybe that's because they never cared about how we feel.
They just assume, but our lawns aren't perfectly groomed.
No sub divisions or 2 car garages.
We reside in, low income, HUD apartments.
Gentrification is what we're facin', pushed over to the margin.
Even those who are called to protect & serve abuse us, just look at the video I posted of the sergeant.
Caution! Because these feelings have been sittin' & boiling for some time now.
You can't understand what it's like on my side of town.
You would NEVER understand what it's like in the skin I'm in.
And we can NEVER reconcile if you only justify or conceal your sin.
Wrongs have been committed and we get it, it wasn't you that did it.
But you add insult to injury every time you try & twist it.
You open up old wounds with new knives.
I'm convinced, it's not inside you, that truth lies.
And I know it's 2 sides, to every coin.
But the fact that you would try n justify or rebuttal, instead of listening, trying to understand & take heed, just proves my point.
Quiet riots do exist.

Follow Radical Rationales @RadicalRationa1 


  1. And anyone can get out of it if they make the right choices and are willing to work hard.

    1. I agree with you partially. A lot of times it's more complex than just working hard & making the right choices. But in theory that works!
